July 1, 2021 – June 30,2022
Statement of Activities

July 1, 2021 – June 30,2022
Sponsors & contributors

Disclosure: (i) GLISI is not a client of Corebridge Financial. (ii) GLISI receives compensation in the amount of $7,500 annually for providing endorsements of Corebridge Financial products, and (iii) the compensation creates an incentive for GLISI to have Corebridge Financial as a sponsor instead of other entities for which GLISI does not receive compensation.
July 1, 2021 – June 30,2022
Amy Balasus
Jody Barrow*
Adrian Bazemore*
JoAnn Brown
Terri Seay Bryant
Leslie Hazle Bussey
Richard Caswell
Mary Anne Charron
Robert Christian
Matt Colvin*
Kappy DeButts
Laura Disque
Steve Dolinger*
Ann Duffy
Michael Duncan
Beverly Ferguson*
Anthony Finley
Amy Foster
Kyle Foster
Nanci & Fred Foster
Kevin Greiner
Hugh Hazle
Lyle Hazle
Neil Hazle
Patty Heitmuller
Sue Holt
Gale Hulme
Cheryl Hunt-Clements
Lynita Jackson
Phil Jacobs
Nathalie Knell
Jon Love*
Linda Manus
Yolvondra Martin-Brown
Atiba Mbiwan
Ashley Mitchell
Meca Mohammed
Tara Noe
James Osanyinbi
Taylor Ostrander
Brooke & David Perez*
Yolanda & Jose Perez
Dave Peterson*
Noris Price
Dana Rickman*
Justin Rocha
Rodney Rocha
John Satelmajer*
Aaryn Schmuhl
Korynn Schooley*
Terry Schooley
Anna Sides
Brittany Standifer
Debbie Stevens
Doannie Tran
Gail Tusan Washington*
Pat & Alan Welch
Jennie & Kevin Welch
Thomas Whitten
Georgia Wilson
Valarie Wilson*
Kasey Wood
Theresa Wood
Ken Zeff
* Gifts made by GLISI Board Member