In-District Leadership Support


A hands-on experience to strengthen your team’s leadership skill through learning, practice, reflection, and feedback.


COBALT: Social-Emotional Learning for Leaders

Actively strengthen you and your team’s SEL skills to create and build learning environments where all students can thrive.


Class A

Uplift and transform the leadership capacities of the Classified Employees in your district.


Custom Contracts

Partner with our team to design specific and custom solutions to your most pressing leadership and school improvement challenges.


"The Aspiring Leaders Program made me a better leader and challenged my thinking. As a life-long learner, this is by far one of the best learning I have been a part of."


Aspiring Leaders

Leaders shape school culture. Culture drives the student experience.

Aspiring Leaders is more than teaching someone how to lead and awarding a certificate at the end. It’s about strengthening the connection between your district's unique vision for leadership and the capacity of the future leaders on your team.

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Our support begins with convening a Design Team to shape a vision of leadership excellence for your school system. We help your team name the specific skills, competencies and dispositions that are necessary to achieve your school improvement goals.

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We leverage insights from Design Team to thoughtfully select cohort members and grow candidates with intention toward your vision for leadership excellence. Participants gain clarity about their personal leadership brand and hone skills applicable to leading in your school system through learning, reflection, practice and feedback.

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Our experiential design sparks breakthroughs that long outlast the program. Each participant completes a capstone project to leave an immediate impact on a real performance or culture problem in their schools—like Kathy Ford's implementation of the Grizzlies Mentor Program featured in the video above.

To learn more about building an Aspiring Leader Cohort for your district, submit an inquiry form below.

"GLISI helped us build a cadre of strong leaders within our school system. When have a leadership vacancy, we are confident in our leadership pipeline."


Learning for Leaders

SEL isn't just for kids.

If we want schools to be places where teachers love to teach, students love to learn, and results defy the odds, we need more leaders in education with social and emotional skills who can lead the way.

Cultures of Learning and Belonging Together (COBALT) is a team-based experience focused on strengthening your team's social-emotional muscle. Our partners, like Clayton County School District, have seen evidence of impact in the culture and climate in their schools.

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Cultures of Learning and Belonging Together (COBALT) is a team-based experience focused on strengthening your team's social-emotional muscle. Our partners, like Clayton County School District, have seen evidence of impact in the culture and climate in their schools.

COBALT focuses on six key social-emotional competencies:

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To start or strengthen your own SEL journey now, visit our SEL Toolkit here.

To learn more about COBALT for your district, submit an inquiry form below.

"Aspiring Leaders made me a better leader and challenged my thinking. As a life-long learner, this is one the best learning experiences I've had."


Class A: Growing Leaders Among Classified Personnel

Culture is bigger than what happens in the classroom

Students learn something from every adult at school. Too often, we think of the “leaders” of climate and culture as the teachers and principals in a building. But classified employees are critical influencers of culture too. Head Custodians, Nutrition Managers, and Bus Route Supervisors shape the student experience through every interaction they have.

Our Class A program specifically targets growing the leadership capacity in the leaders of your classified employee teams.

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"We are a community of professionals, with similar issues. These classes gave me skills to help me understand my crew better and understand the way I manage."

- Class A Participant

“I am currently meeting one on one with a couple of the Head Custodians that have reached out to me and are in need for some help and guidance with their team. I am using the tips and tools that I have learned to hopefully inspire them to create a strong and engaged team. I have had some positive feedback as I continue to work with them. I am truly grateful for this class!“

- Class A Participant

"I have enjoyed open discussions with my principal. It has open my mind up about me truly being a leader and how important I am to my school and my county!”

- Class A Participant

To learn more about Class A for your district, submit an inquiry form below.



Still don’t see what you need? Submit an inquiry form today and we will start the process of building a custom consulting plan that meets your needs and budget.


Resilience Circles | Jefferson County Schools

Resilience Circles was custom-designed with Jefferson County to support their school and district leaders in recovering following the trauma of COVID-19. This work built leader resilience and social-emotional competence when responding to challenges, building trustworthiness, and supporting teachers and students in creating a culture of support and learning.