Our Impact

Bright futures need strong leaders.

We aspire to a world schools and communities pursue breakthrough success for all students—regardless of race, geography, or family income. To get there, we work in partnership with leaders, school systems, and sister organizations in Georgia and beyond. In FY2023 we served:

Stories from the Field

Check out the difference our free, virtual community is making for educators on the front lines and learn how to join:

Play Video

Check out how we are developing the social-emotional skills of leaders to drive culture change:

Play Video

How We Grow Leaders

Growth happens outside a leader's comfort zone. We help leaders stretch themselves and translate new awareness into action through deliberate and authentic opportunities to learn and practice with feedback. Learning isn' t linear and the path to more excellent and equitable schools isn't either.

Real learning happens as leaders move back and forth on this continuum stretching, experimenting, failing, traying again, and growing.


Stories from the Field

Check out the difference our free, virtual community is making for educators on the front lines and learn how to join:

Play Video

Check out how we are developing the social-emotional skills of leaders to drive culture change:

Play Video

How We Grow Leaders

Growth happens outside a leader's comfort zone. We help leaders stretch themselves and translate new awareness into action through deliberate and authentic opportunities to learn and practice with feedback. Learning isn' t linear and the path to more excellent and equitable schools isn't either.

Real learning looks like leaders, moving back and forth, on this continuum as they stretch, experiment, fail, try again, and grow.


Annual Reports

2023: Impact Scrapbook

A collection of snapshots of our impact, this scrapbook tells the story of our year within the context of three opportunities top of mind for our team, our partners and our funders in 2023.

2022: Building Bridges

In FY2022, GLISI was a bridge builder. In a time of division, we reached out—across difference and sectors and agencies—to close gaps and remove barriers. The three videos below showcase how GLISI stepped up to meet the moment.